
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex and Gender Essay - 1190 Words

Sex and Gender The terms employed most frequently to describe the differences between men and women are sex and gender. Sex refers to the differing physical attributes of women and men (Lee, Shaw). The categories of sex are male and female. In every society sex differences are given social meanings. Social identity, which is confessed on the basis of assumed sexual differences, is called gender (Lee, Shaw). People are born female or male, but learn to be girls and boys, who grow into men and women. Males are supposed to be masculine, strong, and macho, while females are attributed to be feminine, fragile,†¦show more content†¦Gender differences, in spite of being constructed in complex ways, are not unchangeable. In reality masculinity and femininity are not fixed categories acquired in childhood but are constantly being tested, challenged and reworked. To this, one could add th at most aspects related to gender differences over time vary and have changed across cultures. The pressure of gender conformity can be very strongly felt by both girls and boys. In the case of girls, the pressures on some in relation to body image lead to anorexia and death. In addition, girls are faced with a maze of decisions about whether to be like a girl in this situation, or like a boy in that situation-and are often damned in either. In the case of boys, the key aspects of dominant masculinity are clearly in evidence in any classroom in which there are boys. It is based on being strong and rough, on learning to take it, on being first or the best, on disassociating from girls or boys whose identity does not pass the test of macho maleness, on not showing affection, and on defying authority, especially female authority. All these things serve to prove acceptable masculinity. Boys create and preserve this masculinity through fear of whatever might be constructed as female, since whateverShow MoreRelatedSex, Gender, And Gender847 Words   |  4 PagesThe meaning of se x and gender is often thought of as the same thing, when in fact it the meanings between these two words are different. Sex is the characteristics that are set apart from male and female. The characteristics include primary sex traits related to the reproductive system such as: hormones, chromosomes, the genitalia, and various other ways. However, the secondary sex traits that are not directly based on the reproductive system. These secondary traits consist of characteristics suchRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender1468 Words   |  6 PagesPopular understanding reflects the view that sex refers to ones biological functions in comparison to gender, which is solely explained as a cultural impact in depicting ones identity. The conveying of these two concepts create implications in demonstrating the understanding of ones sex or gender as distinct elements, of personal characteristics and human traits. Sex and gender are two contrasting features constantly interrelating, in day-to-day liv es. A concise narrowing will be drawn from thisRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender936 Words   |  4 Pagesconventional views, of sex and gender in today’s society. As a result, we often think of sex as biological and gender as social, which are terms that are often used interchangeably and are socially or culturally constructed. In other words, the terms male and female are referred to as sex categories, while masculine and feminine are considered gender categories. To demonstrate the prevailing views of sex and gender, in African Gender Studies, the author argues that, over time, sex tended to be understoodRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender915 Words   |  4 Pagesis the baby’s sex? This question is asked because, sex is biologically determined, from the second we come out of the womb, by our chromosomes, genitalia, reproductive organs, and hormones. People often group sex and gender together as if they are the same thing, but really they are two separate categories. G ender is a category that splits bodies into a binary system of women and men. Ultimately the two terms intertwine because, one’s biologically determined sex is assigned a gender role to playRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender869 Words   |  4 Pagesthere was not a difference between a person’s sex and gender. Before learning about sex and gender throughout my school career, I would have defined sex as a category in which you are born into based on what reproductive organ you are born with, which is slightly correct. Yet, I would have defined gender in the same manner, using them interchangeably just as most people, not knowing how complicated the terms really are. The appropriate definition of sex referred to a person’s biological status andRead MoreSex, Gender, And Gender814 Words   |  4 Pagesroles of sex and gender in today’s society. As a result, we often think of sex as biological and gender as social, which are terms that are often used interchan geable and are socially or culturally constructed. In other words, the terms male and female are referred to as sex categories, while masculine and feminine are considered gender categories. â€Å"Over time, sex tended to be understood as the base and gender as the superstructure† (OyÄ›wà ¹mà ­, 2005, 12). For instance, in African Gender Studies, theRead MoreSex and Gender1424 Words   |  6 Pagespotential to sustain a pregnancy helps us sort humans into male and female. Simple as pie. Which is good because sorting people by sex is something that is very important to most people. Watch nearly anybody go up to someone holding an infant and the first thing that she or he will ask the parent if the child is a girl or a boy. But why should it matter to anyone what the sex of the baby is? Even if it is easy to tell masculine from feminine. Except, of course, that its not. Theres nothing at all simpleRead MoreSex and Gender1775 Words   |  8 PagesSex and Gender Sex and gender make up one of the most basic functions in our society. Gender helps delineate tasks and how we refer to people, and is reinforced for us throughout our lives (Lorber 2006). Gender interacts with sex in varying ways (Disch 2006). Those who are not strictly heterosexual male or female are not readily accepted and face adversity as they bend gender and defy sex. It has long been debated whether there is a difference between sex and gender, and if so, what that differenceRead MoreSex And Gender Socialization : Sex1174 Words   |  5 PagesSex and Gender Socialization Sex as explained in â€Å"Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach†, is that sex is a biological characteristic that distinguishes females and males, consisting of primary and secondary sex characteristics (Henslin, 2015). Gender is the behaviors and attitudes that society has put into place for people to act their sex. Girls act like girls and boys act like boys. The sociological significance of gender is that it is a device by which society controls its member.Read MoreGender : Sex And Gender Socialization992 Words   |  4 Pages Sex and Gender Socialization Before we learned this chapter, I didn t know that sex and gender are different to each other, all I know is that gender and sex have the same meaning which referred to male and female. Recently, I just learned the difference between sex and gender, which is sex is like our biological difference which what makes people male and female, while gender is what the society reinforces a person to be based on their expectations and behaviors of being a male and female

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